TEXT-TRANSLATION (Portuguese-English)
The First
International Colloquium of Memories, Diversity and Cultural
Identities, realized at the auditorium of the Santa Terezinha - Faculty of
Education, was an initiative of the ALMA Research Group, coordinated by Professor
Herli de Souza Carvalho, from the Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA),
Imperatriz Campus.
The event
finished yesterday, September 30th 2011, with courses, workshops,
narratives and life history of quilombolas
(free black people and communities formed since Slave Period of Brazil), cinema
sessions, roundtables and cultural moments. The Doctor, coordinator of the
Pedagogy course and professor Assis Almada, the campus´ director representing
and the Master, professor and coordinator of the Afro-Brazilian studies group of
the Santa Terezinha - Faculty of Education, Veríssima Nunes, and the
international inviter - professor Doctor Antoine Abi Aad (University of
Balamand, Beirut, Lebanon), have attended the opening ceremony.
counter-master of capoeira Luiz Antonio Nascimento Cardoso (nicknamed Pinguim)
from the Afro-Brazilian Arts and Cultural Nuclei of São Paulo University, was
the novelty while teaching Capoeira de Angola, Maculelê dance, Samba de Roda
and Afro-dancing. Pinguim introduced these rhythms and:"In the workshop we
introduce Afro elements while working a little of each rhythm", said the
The UFMA´s
nursing student - Marcelo de Moraes, related his experience in the event. He
participated in ALMA Research Group and showed the importance of working among quilombolas (see above), where he
developed a project in health with hypertension and diabetes subjects. "We
started this work with those communities from Alcântara and in the second camp
trip we will continue among others".
Herli de Souza
Carvalho, who idealized the event, believes that since the beginning the main
objective has been reached, which was to start research in the region. Considering
the quantity of participants in the event, it is known who works with the thematic
and how it can be discussed among them. "We had more than 80 research
communications during three days of event. This means that more than 100 people
have been done part of the whole process: narratives, speeches and
participations". She added that the richness of these works is significant
to Imperatriz city and region as well.
The first day
of the event ended with a speech of the Lebanese inviter professor Doctor
Antoine Abi Aad, whom presented the theme: “Medium
Orient and Arabic Culture”. He presented a comparison on Brazilian and
Lebanese writing forms.
Original in Portuguese: Communication Assessorial from Federal Maranhão University
(ASCOM-UFMA). Available on: http://oprogressonet.com/noticiario/14217/cidade/2011/10/1/mistura-de-culturas-envolve-participantes-do-i-coloquio-internacional/. Accessed in: April 10th , 2014.
Translation from Brazilian Portuguese into English: credits to professor Dr. Fabio José Cardias Gomes (UFMA, ALMA-BRAZIL) and professor
Dr. Antoine Abi Aad (ALBA Académie
Libanaise des Beaux Arts, Beirut - ALBA-LEBANON).
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