VIII International Congress “Sport, People and Health: Invitation to Saint Petersburg

Dr. Fabio Jose Cardias Gomes,
Adjunct Professor and Psychologist at the Federal University of Maranhao
12 July, 2017, Saint Petersburg
Dear Dr. Fabio Jose Cardias Gomes,
We are honoured to invite you to participate in the VIII International Congress “Sport, People and Health”, which will be held in Saint Petersburg (Russia) on 12-14 October, 2017, as an honoured guest. Main scientific target of the Congress is “Unity of the Olympic Movement. Preservation of ethical values of the world sports.”
The Congress is held under patronage of the Council of Europe with support of the International Olympic Committee, UNESCO, the Ministry of Sports of Russian Federation, the Olympic Committee of Russia, the Government of Saint Petersburg.
The International Congress takes place since 2003. The latest VII Congress (October 2015) brought together more than 650 participants from 36 countries of the world.
Organizers of the Congress are: the International Social Organization for the Promotion of Science and Sports “Sport, People and Health” (Saint Petersburg, Russia), P.A. Lesgaft National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health (Saint Petersburg, Russia), International SAMBO Federation (FIAS).
The objectives of the Congress are the following: to promote physical culture and sports as essential elements of healthy lifestyle, to discuss modern tendencies in the development of the terms ‘sport’ and ‘health’ and their connection, to develop international cooperation in sports.
The Congress istraditionally attended by international and Russian representatives of sport movement and world science, famous sportsmen, leaders of international sports and healthcare organizations and universities.
Dear Dr. Fabio Jose Cardias Gomes, we will be delighted to greet you as a speaker of one of the Congress’ scientific sections.
We would be grateful if you inform us about you agreement in principle and submit the topic of expected paper until 15 August, 2017.
Wishing you health and wellness,
Sincerely yours,


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