Journal of Asian Martial Arts

20th Anniversary of the Journal of Asian Martial Arts
February 2011
Dear Fabio,

Hundreds of quality articles have been published over the years, providing both scholarly writings and easy-reading essays on all aspects of Asian martial traditions. These original works contribute and inspire ongoing research while providing insightful, practical information to our readers.

A Word of Thanks

We are grateful to all the people who have contributed to the journal, including authors, artists, martial art masters, and to all subscribers and advertisers who have provided support in order for us to continue the most respected periodical in this field.

New Issue

Volume 20 Number 1 is at press now, and the print edition should be mailing in a few weeks. The digital edition is already available on our website. You'll notice the cover was redesigned to mark the 20th anniversary.


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Combat Sports Psychology & Martial Arts Training for Life, Dr. Randy Borum, Florida